Humanity? We’ve got it all wrong!

Payal A Kumar
1 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

(Totally my opinion and not the eternal truth)

We care about our bank balance but not about our Karmic record

We care about pleasing others but forget to value ourselves

We care about external beauty SO much that there is never time for Internal beauty

We care about what brands we wear, so we appear cool

Yet we can’t give $10 to someone in need

We are making brand owners multi millionaires and the people feeding us AKA our farmers

We let astray

What a paradox, we do the same in our lives undervalue housewives but glamorise influencers, entrepreneurs, beautiful people (as per socierty) when all they are doing is living for themselves

The glitz and glam world that we value has no space for a cozy day at home because we MUST hustle, stay productive

And never enjoy this beautiful planet that we’ve been put on

How can we switch this around?

Watch this space to learn more #staytuned



Payal A Kumar

Yogi & business owner - consultant for sustainable led brands, sharing my life journey through my lens, heart & soul {connect on @payalakumar}