Tune into your channel, please?

Payal A Kumar
Jun 19, 2024


image by me

We live in a world with curated feeds.
Nothing less than perfection please, so
we seek a perfect external world:
A good-looking girlfriend,
a trust fund guy,
vacations in Malibu.

Consume, consume, consume,

because it’s never enough.
There are so-called biohackers and gurus,
monks who really aren’t living the monk way
(if you know, you know).
We know everything
but do nothing.

Our collective karma is dampening.

But are we awakened or dead inside?
Change is coming.
Are we prepared?
It’s survival of the fittest.
In a race to MONEY,
we forget our innate power to transform life,
this planet, into something more magical,
and thus lean toward collective transformation.
Stop wars, stop comparison, stop consuming.

Tune in to your channel:



Payal A Kumar

Yogi & business owner - consultant for sustainable led brands, sharing my life journey through my lens, heart & soul {connect on @payalakumar}