Payal A Kumar
4 min readSep 18, 2022

In order to become role models and beautiful unique beings we need to acknowledge some prevalent issues that our society faces.

1. False positivity

Life is actually like a surf wave, we need to learn how to ride with in rather that focus on being happy (or finding ways to be externally happy/pretend happy) all the time.

Moon has phases, ocean has its moments, nature rebels, life changes, galaxies evolve, animals feel sadness. So why is it so wrong for us to express sadness, anger, or other ranges of emotions?

We’re expected not to talk about our problems but rather focus on being a ray of sunshine all the time.

If we don’t have friends and family to share our issues with, then who do we share it with therapists? or alienate ourselves?

(leaving apart trauma — and any relation deeper life issues/emotions)

Some people choose the alternate and can in-return feel very lonely in life

Loneliness as per one stat is at 33% of total population, that’s not a small number to ignore.

we need to understand more and more in our society it’s okay to have a bad day even a year or two. Sometimes life can be hard! no matter how many blessings we have.

The more we all believe this, the more we’re able to “help each other get out of the phunk” rather that alienating our friends during tough times. (who knows, they’ll just come out of it sooner?) and poof you’ve changed their narrative!)

2. Quick fix society

We as humans/beings/entrepreneurs are finding easy and quick ways to fix things in the society which is GREAT! but the by product is that we’re getting lazier and lazier as a race.

Phone calls — became texts

Preparing meals becomes a meaningless chore to outsource

Have a problem? Buy material things for instant happiness

Don’t like your face? photoshop it? heck even get surgery or 10

Unhappy? book a vacation

The possibilities to deal with our problems are endless and at our hands length.


BUT with all change and upgrade there is a fine balance to maintain, if broken you can steer in the direction of an endless loop filled with instant gratification, inflated sense of self, insecurities and swimming in mental health issues or grinding in the rat race of society reaching towards the end of your life with some regrets. (Definitely read The top 5 regrets of the dying)


Build castles without any technology

Spend eon’s of time, commitment and discipline discovering spiritual practices such as Ayurveda and Yoga

and many many more such marvels…

The difference between us now and us back then is that we had a sense of patience, art of surrender and a discipline to live life.

As we had seen hardships, we had spent hours ALONE understanding our selves a bit deeper and we believed life was a mystery.

This helped us understand our mind, body and soul better and guided us through life with lesser mental health issues at rise

3. it’s okay to be FLAWED

I love the authentic people who wear their flaws beautifully because they’re wise enough to know those aren’t flaws but their uniqueness and these beautiful souls add a bit more sunshine to this world

So please don’t let society. friends or anyone let you feel any different. Be a positive force rather than choosing for the quick fix.

Emma Watson said something beautiful recently “I was a child star, now I have lines on my face and I have earned them!” that is just so profoundly beautiful.

If you feel insecure focus on going within, rather than looking for the easy external change.

Form your society and find more people you like and you will see yourself spark

4. Narratives and our way of thinking as a “Society”

This is an age old problem, risen mainly due to “fame culture”

breeding in a more materialistic society that makes you feel that you need more, are less and should be constantly achieving.

The reality is everyone is unique and has a different purpose to play in life but with the constant feedback loop from society some people end up lonely, depressed and even unsure of who they really are.

Don’t let any narrative define you, all you need to do is follow your own BLISS.

5. Surround yourself with 5 people you’d like to be like?

I particularly find this one very fascinating and for a while openly admit to have believed in it but I realized there was more to this.

While on the surface level it stands true because your network is your Net-worth

but if you dig a bit deeper you may understand that this philosophy has some cracks

  1. It can lead to a elitist attitude in life
  2. It can lead to abandoning friends/family in times of need
  3. It can lead you to believe in a “single life philosophy”

If you interact with a certain type of people, you might just miss a different life philosophy that the next phase of your life perhaps needs and your life will be one track field when it could be a beautiful layered maze (good or bad that’s totally up to you to decide)

In conclusion

If you’re struggling, know it’s not you it’s how society has been set by us, so please have the courage to change the status quo and follow your UNIQUE path.

I am curious to know, are there any other issues you’d like to highlight?

Payal A Kumar

Yogi & business owner - consultant for sustainable led brands, sharing my life journey through my lens, heart & soul {connect on @payalakumar}