How to feel Loved when you’re Single or Alone

Payal A Kumar
4 min readAug 26, 2023
photo by Author

Why is it that most of us can’t seem to feel loved unless someone else loves or validates us?

There came a time in life, where I had no option but to find a way to love myself deeply and that when I went through the “Dark night of the soul”

If you’re in a similar situation, feeling un-loved, un-heard or there is simply no-one around you that’s giving you the validation you need.

Then this is your sign to work on yourself, because you see, life situations are here for us to evolve into the unique authentic beings that we are.

The thought that’s got me by the most is that

“Our soul chose this body and this life on some level”

It is entirely upto us to foster that love, that is at our very core.

I have designed 8 unique steps that I practise whenever I feel that self love dwindling, to guide me back to my true happy space

1. Self love beyond self care routines

Don’t get me wrong self love at our body level is great but you need to go beyond in order to truly be in sync with your loving energy.

The first step should be knowing your beliefs, values and nurturing the capability to be alone and happy

You need to know at a soul level what makes you “you”, what drives you?

how would you like to serve this world? what layers would you like to discard about you?

This first step is the key to unlocking the rest

2. Evolve

Once you’ve started figuring out the first step, you’ll naturally start evolving slowing or rapidly depending on your work and life forces at play

In this path of evolution there will be teething pains, friends will leave, arguments may arise, uncertainty will crop up

This is all happening to bring in space for what needs to be in alignment to this new version of you that is coming forth.

3. Love your life

Embrace every moment, because a lot of them are temporary life situations which might feel permanent.

You’ll feel like a true warrior or goddess when you emerge through difficult times with least resistance and your self love + love for life will enormously lift

when you start to love your life,

you start with a sense of awe and wonder around you and then slowly but surely you start to see synchronicities in life that’s a nod to you loving your life

4. Know that not everyone will love you

As you draw closer to your authentic self and evolution, unlearning, and reconditioning, the illusionary masks relinquish their hold, causing the crowd to thin.

A simple example

When you’re a fun loving chill being you’ll attract 20X people

vs when you decide to stop drinking alcohol to heal yourself

The difference is that small circle of group will more than match up to that big circle you were with in terms of support, love and affection.

I’m here cheering you on for being authentic.

5. Be a Mother to the World

(full discloser) I haven’t at all mastered this one and work on this continuously

I took a Spiritual kriya initiation course recently and we were taught this

“When you are a mother, no matter how many children you have you love all of them equally”

“If you’re able to see everyone with this essence and show a similar level of love for a stranger vs your own loved ones you’ll evolve exuberantly”

Hard one, especially when someone mistreats you, I know!

6 Lean into the love that is there — sometimes we’re the blockers of love

Been there done that and this is a big one that most of us overlook

The remedy is to be present, appreciative and aware of the love that already exists within and external

I focused on the present, I let love in be it a puppy licking my hand, receiving love from my niece or just being in nature and knowing that it’s existence is an opportunity for us to feel loved by earth because earth created all of this beauty that is there for us to experience

7. Stay in the Vibrational energy of Love

Meditate, ground, be in nature and eat whole foods you’ll see your mood and energy lift.

You’ll become the version of yourself you’ve wanted to be but were waiting for someone to come along to trigger that

but you realised that you could trigger it all by yourself

8. Acts of Service

Be a loving being to others, because you need to be the difference you’d like to see in the world.

Often times I hear people say, we’re alone, everyone is self absorbed but in a lot of the cases they’re doing the very same

so, let this journey teach you that “love” was never about being loved but to be the love you’d like to see in this world and within”

What has been your self love journey life? or where do you struggle?



Payal A Kumar

Yogi & business owner - consultant for sustainable led brands, sharing my life journey through my lens, heart & soul {connect on @payalakumar}